8 Early Warning Signs & Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer You May Not Know.

It is a disease in which normal cells multiply without control in the bladder. Urinating blood, painless, is often the only sign & symptom of bladder tumors.

The balloon-shaped organ located in the pelvic area which stores urine in human body is the bladder. Cancer in the bladder is not an uncommon disease. The tumors start developing on the surface and even within the wall.

The occurrence of this type of cancer is more common in men as compared to women. Bladder cancer refers to any malignant tumor of the bladder. It is a disease in which normal cells multiply without control in the bladder. Urinating blood, painless, is often the only symptom of bladder tumors.

Manifestations of this disease are very unpleasant: frequent and urgent need to urinate, pain or burning during urination, cloudy urine. Although trivial, the condition can lead to complications if not treated.

Moreover, more serious diseases such as tumors of the bladder may occur as a “trivial cystitis.” Therefore, it is necessary to control a specialist. Urgent and frequent need to go to the bathroom, burning at urination; these are symptoms that announce the existence of cystitis.

One in two women suffers at some point of cystitis. Although trivial, the condition can lead to complications if not treated, experts warn. Here are some symptoms of bladder cancer.

8 Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

1. Renal Carcinoma.

The growth of unusual cells in the kidney tissues is known as cancer of the kidney. It is also known as renal carcinoma. The acute causes of kidney cancer are not known, but obesity and smoking are some of the external factors that cause this cancer.

The tumors of kidney cancer are slow-growing which makes it difficult to diagnose it. A person having bladder cancer is more likely to have kidney cancer too and vice versa.

2. Blood In Urine

This is one of the most common symptoms of bladder cancer. The bleeding is visible and is painless. The symptoms may occur in episodes giving a false belief to the patient of being safe.

The frequency of urination also increases and one can feel a burning sensation while urinating. So, if you have faced any of these situations, then it's time to see your doctor.

The cancer is further categorized as an invasive and superficial disease. The superficial one is bound to the innermost walls only while invasive cancer has infiltrated to the muscular layer as well. The cancer is curable once diagnosed on time.

3. Swollen lower legs.

If you have painful and swollen feet, you are experiencing Bladder Cancer. When the muscles of the feet are loaded with over the top fluid, the muscles get extended and the patient witness some excruciating pain and get himself not able to walk or move properly.

This stagnation of exorbitant of fluid subsequently prompts to an expansion in weight.

4. Hurtful And Urinating Regularly

Hurtful and regular urination is amongst the earliest bladder cancer symptoms. The pain will likely be because of the growth and development of cancer tumors within the tract.

You’ll find instances that people feel the urge to urinate but result in being unable to.

5. Painful Urination.

Painful urination and pain in the stomach locale, bring down back and crotch range. A man with this condition is additionally liable to encounter different problems including urination, for example, feeling a critical need to urinate and frequent urination.

It happens when microbes advance into the urinary tract after which increases and develops inside the urine.

6. High PSA level.

PSA or the Prostate Specific Antigen is a protein that is produced by the prostate gland. High PSA level indicates the presence of Bladder Cancer.

There is a particular test to measure the PSA level in blood. You can care open to some options if you are looking for Bladder Cancer treatment.

7.Urinary incontinence.

Urinary urgency just after using the restroom and when you do you only urinate small amounts. Some women report this symptom after childbirth and may be caused by a weakness in the bladder due to childbirth or aging.

This weakness is called stress incontinence. Suggested reading the kegel exercise and vaginal weight training.

8. Frequent UTIs.

It’s essential that those affected by Urinary Tract Infections seek medical attention. If left untreated, UTIs may result in kidney failure and severe instances, death.

However, while a visit to the doctors is a must, it is usually possible to treat UTIs utilizing natural remedies. The first step in natural Urinary Tract Infection treatment is to know what causes UTI.
8 Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer Pictures


The important thing is to detect the disease as soon as possible. Early detection means that treatment may be given early on as well. During the first stages of cancer, it can still be treated.

If you are at the risk of cancer, you should be well aware of the risk factors associated with the disease aside from genetics. Then, you should stir clear of those that put you at a higher risk to avoid bladder cancer.

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